02/05. Tuesday
21:00 Trueba cinemas 1
PVC eta Aluminiozko Zatitxoak
Jon Martija (Spain - 2023 - 6' - VO - Opera prima - International Premiere)
Does anyone remember the Tolosa band The Window Ventanas? The discovery in a storage room of some video tapes forgotten 30 years ago has brought to light the tour that this group did in Switzerland in 1993. The success they had in this country was similar to the one they had in their native Euskadi. If you don't remember the group, draw your own conclusions. This is a road movie of jokes, tobacco, forgetfulness, soundchecks, friendship, football and, of course, music. A few bits of PVC and aluminium that recapture a small but important chapter in the history of a small group, but at least for its members, an important one. As the chapter and the group were small, we have made a small film.